Daniele Monaco

PhD student in Philosophy of Dwelling
Università degli Studi di Perugia

Daniele Monaco is a dedicated PhD student enrolled at the University of Perugia, where his research revolves around exploring the intricate relationship between community and place, framed within the hermeneutic perspective of Genius Loci. His primary objective is to delve into the ontology that underpins our connection with places, aiming to identify pathways for revitalizing this relationship, which has been strained by the phenomena of "Surmodernitè". Currently, he is engaged in research activities abroad at the Institute of Digital Games in Malta, with a specific focus on the application of Heidegger's philosophy of dwelling and Genius Loci to virtual environments.

Daniele has contributed to academic discourse through various publications, including a critique of Philip Kotler's "The Challenge of the Common Good" for Dialoghi Fra Bene Comune e Capitalismo and a review of Richard Sennett's "Building and Dwelling" for Metaxy: The Story of a Hoped-for Coexistence. Additionally, he has presented a paper titled "Spirit of the Place: The Challenge of Representing Genius Loci in the World of Games" at the IT University of Copenhagen as part of the "Representation in Games" workshop series.